UIAS Observatory Open House
As of FALL 2022, Public Open Houses have RESUMED. They are every second Friday of the month. All are welcome to attend, so join the Guest Mailing List! to get reminded!
This is a great opportunity to see the night sky through our historic telescope. Read more below.
More information on the Observatory Open HouseMap to Observatory
What do UIAS members do?
- Train to operate the historic telescope and check out keys for over-night observing at the observatory
- Visit the UIAS Dark Site several times each year for dark-sky observing
- Annual camp-out under the stars "Star Party" at the Walnut Point State Park or Wolf Creek State Park
- Visit Parkland College's Staerkel Planetarium
- Learn about astrophotography, building your own telescope, and more at meetings
- Participate in Engineering Open House
- Participate in STEM night
Free Public Events
- Monthly observatory open houses for the C-U community (2nd Friday)
- Jim Kaler's famous free public annual talk on astronomy
- Participate in Illinois Space Day
Membership costs $10 per school year or $5 if you join during the spring semester. This is to help us fund projects and events further into the school year without having to request money later. You must be a University student or faculty to be a member.